Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do you...

Do you desire to assist the poor and crush poverty?

Rescue orphans.
Do you wish to combat HIV/AIDS and other heinous diseases?

Rescue orphans.
Do you hope to prevent pedophiles from abusing young children?
Rescue orphans.

Do you want to stamp out prostitution?

Rescue orphans.
Do you yearn for the end of drug dealing and addiction?
Rescue orphans.
Do you crave to uphold the worth and significance of women?
Rescue orphans.

Do you long to stop violent extremism and the placement of children into radical schools?
Rescue orphans.
Do you dream to crush illiteracy?
Rescue orphans.
Do you aspire to eliminate child labor?
Rescue orphans.
Do you seek to eradicate the recruitment of child soldiers and atrocities they are forced to commit?
Rescue orphans.
Taken from: https://worldorphans.com/problem/mega.htm

Want to rescue orphans but don't know how to do it? World Orphans is eagerly waiting to share, show, and succeed in helping you. The issue is clear. The need is great. We are waiting on you. Together we are able to reach E3: Each Church; Each Child; Each Community

Find out how now by:
Visiting our Website for information and upcoming trips: www.worldorphans.com
Calling our toll free number to ask more questions: 888-ORPHANS (677-4267)
Email us to find out more: info@worldorphans.org or Jennah@worldorphans.org
Browse President's and other employee blogs: see side bar for links

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